Stumbled upon this somewhere and i
felt to share. Grab the tips.
Sweet potatoes are a cheap and and
much healthier substitute for white potatoes and have great benefits that go
along with them! Here are nine benefits that you can get from a sweet potato.
1. Sweet potatoes have a high
Vitamin B6 content. B6 helps to reduce a chemical that is in our body called
homocysteine which is a chemical that is linked to degenerative diseases.
2. They are a great source of
Vitamin C. This vitamin helps you to keep a strong immune system as well as
keeping your bones growing, increasing the collagen in your skin, accelerating
wound healing, and even helping you cope with stress.
3. Sweet potatoes are also a great
source for Vitamin D. You can get D from the sunlight, but when you don’t get
enough sun you could end up with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Vitamin D
helps to elevate the mood, elevate energy, promotes healthy bone growth, and
also supports the thyroid gland.
4. Iron is a mineral that a lot of
people don’t get enough of. Iron boosts your energy, helps to produce red and white
blood cells, metabolizes protein, and helps to keep you calm under stress. Iron
is found in sweet potatoes!
5. Another mineral that is in sweet potatoes
that not nearly enough of us get enough of (an estimated 80% of the population)
is magnesium. It is necessary for healthy bone, heart, blood, artery, and nerve
function. It also helps with relaxation.
6. They are a great source of
potassium which helps your heart and muscles to function normally.
7. While sweet potatoes are sweeter
than regular ones, their natural sugars are released slowly into the body to
keep your blood sugar balanced.
8. Their orange color indicates that they are
high in carotenoids which help eyesight, reduce risk of cancer, and boost the
immune system.