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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Beautiful Twins Khadija and Khertima Taylor Die In Car Accident.


Beautiful twin sisters Khadija and Khertima Taylor aged 18, died along with their friend Kafiya Gill when a young male Anthony Balkisson aged 20 lost control of the car he was driving in which they were all passengers. The car smashed into a bridge and the impact threw both women out of the car.


I'm really sad to share this news as it is very heartbreaking and sad, but if it helps anyone to be safer when going out then sharing it would have served it's purpose.


I don't know whether or not the driver had been drinking but it is so sad to see such young  beautiful women with so much to live for die in such ghastly conditions. 


Please, please, please ensure that after you go out for a night out or during the day, that the driver is not intoxicated. Also pray before making any journey. It may seem uncool to be told but it could mean that it is not your last journey.


RIP Girls

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