I am 36 years old, I work with one of the most reputable banks, heading one of their branches in Lagos.
I earn enough to do whatever I wish. I am very comfortable, but with no man to call my own. No man has walked up to me in 10 years, none whatsoever. I have male friends, but I don’t seem appealing enough to be dated by any of them. The last man I had was when I was 26 and that is the last time I ever had sex.
Just a month ago, I met Sam. Sam claims he loves me, but if you ask me, I honestly do not feel a thing for him. I don’t even think of him at all throughout a day, but he wants to marry me.
This is the first time a guy wants me in 10 years. If I don’t marry him, it might take another 10 years for another man to accost me. I am yet to give him an answer. I am utterly confused. I know he loves me, but I don’t love him… I need your Advice, please. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Because you care, what will be your advice to this lady?